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Jovo Kapa
Sto pogani od ljudi cinite

No mistake ! Those who did these horrible crimes
will lose the war.

The extract from the Reuter's news follows. Not
recommended to the people with sensitive nature.

Meanwhile, newly arrived refugees in Albania gave Reuters detailed
accounts of what they said were new massacres by Serbs. 

Hatixhe Gerxhaliu held up two small pebbles up in front of her eyes and
described how she found her murdered son. 

``When I found him by the stream, they had gouged out his eyes. They
had cut off his nose. I placed the eyeballs back inside his head,'' she
said. ``Like this.'' 

Refugees from the village of Studime near Vushtri in central Kosovo
arrived in a group of about 7,500 who crossed the border into Albania
late Tuesday. Refugees from other villages who passed through the area
confirmed their accounts of at least 50, perhaps as many as several
hundred, bodies strewn across the road from Studime to Vushtri. 

The refugees from Studime said Serb forces had separated men of
military age from the women, children and elderly people and murdered
them, often in front of their families. 

``They asked me for 2,000 (German) marks, or else they would kill him.
I gave them the money. They killed him anyway,'' said Hatixhe. Her son
Kadri was 42 and had just finished his studies to become a doctor. 

``I still have his blood on my shirt,'' she said. 

Metije Gerxhaliu, 47, a relative, said she lost her husband and her
son. While searching for them among the corpses she found the bodies of
neighbors: a young couple with their three children -- aged 8, 6 and
six months. 

When she found her son, his skull had been blown apart, she said. 

``I tried to put his brains back in his head,'' she said. 

Nysret, a 45-year-old man from Studime, said he had watched as Serb
gunmen executed his 35-year-old brother. 

``They said absolutely nothing. They just took him from the tractor and
shot him in the face with an automatic rifle. When he fell to the
ground they shot him again,'' he said. 

Nysret went on to list the names of seven other relatives he said he
had seen killed in the same way that day. 

Mevlyde Istrefi, 34, said residents of her village of Shale e Bajgores
were driven out two days ago by police with dogs, tanks and armored

``We were stopped in the village of Ceceli. They took every man from
the tractors and executed them in front of their parents. If someone
remained alive, they stepped on them,'' she said. 

``One young man was first wounded when they shot him. When they saw he
was still alive, they drove over him in an armored personnel carrier,''
she said. ``They rode over him once and then backed up over him

``It was so horrible to hear his screams,'' she added. 

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