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Lila Kalinich
             Important and Short: bombing started exodus
Sen. Inhofe recently visited Albania. The refugees told hithat the bombing
caused the exodus(see end of article). These comments aren't known very
well in the public.

The entire article can be found at the gov't database


then Congressional Text, 106th Congress, then go by date or senator.

                   THE BALKANS (Senate - April 26, 1999)
[Page: S4151]

   Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I returned from Albania just a few hours
   ago. This is the third time I have made such a trip. I went over to
   see whether or not the beliefs I have developed over the last 7 months
   were true, and I came back, really, very convinced that they in fact
   are true.
   For one thing--I have been saying for quite some time--even though the
   President denies it, the President has planned all along to send
   American ground troops into Kosovo. I am prepared to document this.
   Mr. INHOFE. So we have that very serious problem.
   I will briefly, in the remaining time, talk about the refugee
   situation. The toll we have heard about in terms of deaths over there
   has been somewhere between 2,000 and 3,500. NATO is now saying 3,500;
   some are saying 2,000. Let's say 3,000. That means that 1 out of 600
   of the Kosovar Albanians has lost his life, 1 out of 600. If you
   compare that--I have a ministry in West Africa. Three weeks ago, I
   came back from there. In the two countries of Angola and Sierra Leone,
   for every 1 person who has lost his life in Kosovo, 80 have lost their
   lives in just those two countries alone.
   We knew this was coming. I am reading now from the Washington Post of
   March 31:
   For weeks before the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia, CIA
   Director George Tenet had been forecasting that Serb-led Yugoslavian
   forces might respond by accelerating ethnic cleansing.
   Then when we asked Secretary Cohen about this, he said:
   With respect to George Tenet's testifying that the bombing could, in
   fact, accelerate Milosevic's plans, we also knew that.
   So they knew it. The President knew it, and the administration knew
   it. I have to say this--and this has not been observed by anyone so
   far--I interviewed these refugees just 2 days ago. When I interviewed
   the refugees, I found some very interesting things. They all said the
   same thing. They said that, in fact, they didn't have any problems
   until the bombing started. I was interviewed by a Tirana TV station,
   I think it was Tirana. It was Albanian, anyway. And they said, What is
   the United States going to do about all these refugees? I said, What
   do you mean, what are we going to do? He said, You are the reason we
   are here. You are the ones that bombed, and that is what has caused
   the ethnic cleansing and the forced exodus.
   Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent for 5 additional minutes.

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