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Education in Montenegro

Elementary education in Montenegro is free and compulsory for all the children between the age of 7 and 15 when children attend the "eight-year school". Various types of elementary education are available to all who qualify, but the vocational and technical schools (gymnasiums), where the students follow four-year course which will take them up to the university entrance, are the most popular. At the secondary level there are a number of art schools, apprentice schools and teacher training schools. Those who have attended the technical schools may pursue their education further at one of two-year post-secondary schools, created in response to the needs of industry and the social services.  

Higher education is offered at the University of Montenegro and the post- secondary schools. Courses are of four to six years duration. There are faculties for adult education at evening schools and in part-time studies. 

The education system is uniformed. The school curricula include the history and culture of all ethnic groups. The Montenegrin state attaches great importance to the education of its citizens and to an equal right to a high-quality education for all, regardless of their nationality or creed. The language of instruction is Serbian, and so is Albanian in some elementary and secondary schools. All students are enrolled in public schools, which are financed from the republic's budget. Special budget funds are used for mid-day meals that are served in schools.  

(See also cultural and educational institutions of Montenegro)

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Last updated  August 1997